"One of the most extraordinary, beautiful, and original works of art that I know of ." - Susan Sontag

Jean-Luc Godard, France 1962, 85 min

Faced with a failed relationship, a dead-end job, and potential homelessness, young Parisienne Nana Kleinfrankenheim (Anna Karina) turns to "the life" - that is, prostitution.  A simple tale told in twelve Brechtian tableaux, Vivre sa vie is one of Godard's most deeply felt films, anchored by Karina's astonishing lead performance and Nouvelle Vague favorite Raoul Coutard's breathtaking cinematography of street-level Paris. Janus Films is proud to present this early masterpiece in a new 35mm print.

Poster / Trailer / Reviews


For information on ordering the Criterion Collection's special edition of Vivre sa vie, click here.


For bookings and other questions, contact booking@janusfilms.com.